
With a degree in International Business, Spanish & French, experience in tutoring at A-level, English language teaching in France, hosting international students since 2016, and being a mother of five as well as a course coordinator with the Family Development Foundation (, Nathalie proves the saying, if you want something doing, ask a busy person.

She has all the experience to make right decisions and provide good guidance to families and students and adds a special dynamic to our team. She has completed 2 Safeguarding courses.


392-4 Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 7BB


Office:  +44 (0)203 808 3800


“As a mother of 5 young sons, and married for 10 years, I know just how important it is to parents that their children feel comfortable, safe and happy when away from home. We open our doors to international students in the hope of offering a welcoming and caring home to any child who needs one, giving them a place they can truly feel is a home away from home. As a result of hosting we now have many new friends dotted around the world who we hope to see again someday, and a couple who we have already met in their home-countries! It is these desires and experience that drive my role as a Key Guardian, helping to make sure the recruitment and allocation of families goes as well and as smoothly as possible., and is right for each student.

As a large family, our days are busy and exciting days. Between the children’s activities, we like to plan adventures and trips exploring new places as well as our favourite spots such as the beach, paddle boat trips up the river, and country walks. In my spare time I enjoy photography, art, singing and playing the flute as well as seeing family and friends. Our latest adventure was a 5 week road-trip through France.

Nathalie’s quotes:

“Do small things with great love” Mother Teresa

“The happiest people do not have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have” anonymous